Video Game Design
Video games are one of my big passions. So what? Many people like video games. It goes beyond that for me. I was born in the early 1970's. Video games for commercial use were just getting started. They called to me. They grabbed me. I wanted to play them every chance I got (draining all the quarters my parents had on them in the process). Even more, I wanted to MAKE them. Not physically with the soldering and mechanics (although that is neat too!), but with the gameplay and story designs. I grew up through the golden age of arcades and home computing. I am still a HUGE fan, though now I am in my 40's and am getting old and crotchety about things. Go read some of my ramblings in the "About Me" section on why I did not pursue those dreams in my college years when it would have been prudent for me to do so. Anyhoo, I have never given up on those dreams, though now it is more a hobby than anything else. Perhaps, with this site, my true genius regarding my skills in video game design will finally see the light of day and get some recognition. I have always felt like a "late bloomer" when it comes to my life.
Feel free to read everything, look at some concepts I have carried around for years, and play some prototypes of games that I have available here. I have always regarded myself as a game mechanic and creative designer. I can program, but I am not "the greatest" by any stretch. What I can do is get things working to prove the game concept I have. What I cannot do is anything related to visual or musical artistic skills. That's where I hit the brick wall in development. Apparently, I also lack the ability to properly market anything. (Being antisocial by nature does that.) So if anyone has any artistic, musical, or business talent and wants to partner with me to make some of these concepts commercially viable and, ultimately, available for purchase, leave a comment in the appropriate area and I'll get back to you.
Lately, I've been making web pages left and right on various social sites in an effort to drum up some support for Super Gunball. I've made a Facebook page for the game. Well wishers would help me by LIKE-ing that page and telling their friends about it. I have also submitted the game to IndieDB where by just going to that page will help the game gain popularity points through page views. So with this being my first attempt at making a commercial game and promoting it, I'm learning a lot about the process and trying to be more "out there" socially. We'll see how this works out.